Turn the Page

For the past several years, Matt has traveled across the country co-leading “Turn The Page" Assemblies with Manny Scott and they are the most unique and powerful school assemblies in the world.

Matt in assembly

What are Turn-the-Page assemblies?

Turn the Page assemblies are a life-changing 60-minute experience that meets your students on their level, in order to inspire them to take responsibility for their own personal and academic success. In each assembly, Matt helps young people navigate through some of the very real and dark pain in their lives and then empowers them with the mindset and strategy to overcome those obstacles.

Turn-the-Page Assemblies

Matt Connects with students who need extra social, emotional, and academic help

  • Inspire grit and resiliency

  • Raise student achievement

  • Prevent suicides

  • Reduce bullying

  • Create school-wide unity

  • All…in just one 1 hour

Be Inspired

Consider Matt Bennet as your speaker if some of your students are on the verge of dropping out, doing drugs, or making decisions that could ruin their lives and the lives of others.

    If your students:

  • Need someone who can capture and keep their attention.
  • Need someone who can meet them on their level and inspire the rise to newones.
  • Need someone who can speak their language, understand their culture, and relate to them in a way they perceive as relevant and powerful.

Book him now and experience the transformation and hope he brings to your school community.